Thursday, June 12, 2008

Back to Basics

I passed my drivers test on Tuesday. Barely, but I did. How exciting. I also decided to bike to and from work (although I started at Yonge and Bloor). It was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but I'm sore today from biking with a heavy backpack. Overall though, I feel good about the amount of cycling I've been putting in and hope I keep up with it. I feel good for the most part lately and I think it helps.

Saw the Red Dons and the Estranged on Tuesday as well. I really like the Red Dons, straight up. Some people were iffy on them but I thought they were insanely good. I was way too tired and preoccupied to focus on preparing a review around the show, but needless to say I was impressed. Steve's band also got a lot of good feedback which is awesome.

This Friday we have some band coming to perform in the office for lunch, and next Friday Lick's is catering a BBQ. To make things even sweeter, the Friday after that marks the start of half day Friday's for the rest of the summer. Yessss. Speaking of not sweet, we tried this Caribbean place in the weird strip mall on Don Mills by my work today. Yuck.